Welcome! On this page you will find details about Bülk Cranks Option.
Welcome! On this page you will find details about Bülk Cranks Option.
Which cranks are best for you?
In a velomobile you want to keep the space as small as possible and there is a good reason for that. The smaller you keep the velomobile, the less drag you have through the air. Of course, the whole aerodynamics picture is more complicated, but briefly, the smaller an object is, the better it moves through the air.
That’s why we offer shorter cranks in a velomobile. We have 140, 150 and 155 mm cranks available. If you are shorter and you have smaller shoe size you can have the 155 mm cranks. If you have longer legs and bigger shoe size it is better to go with the 140 mm cranks. We can advice you with this, please fill in your data and we can help you. Click on the bellow button for more details.
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