
[Video] Interview with Allert Jacobs (Snoek creator)


Josef Janning visited in Dronten and interviewed Allert and Eva Jacobs. From this video you learn all about the new Snoek L, Allert's design process, Eva's experience with her Snoek and more. Enjoy this great interview from "Laidback Bike Report" YouTube Channel.


Josef: Folks here we are at in Dronten, the Netherlands, the epicenter of the velomobile world and I'm here with Allert, thank you very much Allert for taking the time this morning to speak to us, to speak to the "Laidback Bike Report", which of course is also viewed over here in Europe and today we would like to talk a little bit about a velomobile and in particular about the Snoek L version, which the larger version of this beautiful velomobile, the Snoek. So, Allert, how do you like the response of the velomobile writers on the Snoek? Is that overwhelming or is that what you had expected?


Allert: Well, I made it for Eva, my wife, it started out as a sort of a hobby project, I didn't really intend to produce it, so it's kind of a surprise, I mean it turns out to be... yeah, you can say the fastest production velomobile and yeah, it seems like a lot of people want that speed (Josef: yeah and the order book is quite filled, isn't it?)


Josef: Okay, but unfortunately there are people like ourselves who may not be comfortable in a velomobile of this size.


Allert: Yeah, I don't fit in, I never drove it, that's a pity because I would like to.


Josef: Yeah, that's a real pity to not being able to ride your own creation.


Allert: Yeah right and it's not good also if you want to make some changes, let's say Steering geometry or the way it behaves at high speeds or things like that, so I only hear from people that ride it that something is not good or could be improved or should be different ...


View the full video interview below...


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