We got this. Hi everyone! It's Hannah Wijnen from Velomobile World and I'm thrilled to tell you that the container shipment has successfully arrived in the USA. Overall it went pretty smoothly, of course there were some twists and turns, but that's just a thing that happens when you start something new.
There are a couple things that we learned, number one is that the container shipment can come a couple of days early, which is pretty impractical because well my dad lives here in Romania and that is pretty far away from the USA and Ben is also pretty far away from where Cycle-Con will be. The second thing that we learned is that they're not allowed to unload at Ben's place because it's a 40 ft container, but that was a big problem, but he somehow managed it, I am pretty impressed by that. So a big shout out to him and and his crew who helped him to solve this big problem, you're doing great, keep going.
Okay, so based on this experience we're going to slightly plan the Cycle-Con a little bit different because we obviously don't want the bikes to be there early cuz he won't be there, so what we're going to do, we're going to... we're going to ship the velomobiles first to Ben's place in Minnesota and then we'll select a few and we'll bring those to the Cycle-Con for for display and test drives, test test drives. In this way we... also if I say we I don't mean I, because I'm not coming... they ask you how you are and you just have to say that you're fine when you're not really fine... In this way we can focus our attention on our visitors and helping them test drive, otherwise we are concerned that we won't be able to maintain the standard of service that we strive to provide.
To be honest I completely get it, I don't think my dad wants to be completely exhausted in the USA, so... and he really wants to enjoy the time being and meeting with you.
Also we have some advantages by shipping to Ben's place because the bikes are going to be a couple weeks earlier and let's say your schedule does not completely allow you to come to the Cycle-Con, you can still go to Ben's place. Also Ben can ship with Haulbikes, if that's something for you.
Oh one more thing before I ago, you have still two weeks to order your bikes for the container shipment otherwise we will fill the container with stock bikes and then there's nothing more to choose.
Have fun, see you next time, bye bye.