
Bad news and good news for the UK/GB velomobile community

Bad news and good news for the UK/GB velomobile community


Hi all,


We have bad news and good news. John Williams is no longer the UK dealer for

We would like to thank John and his partner Magda for their efforts in supporting the UK velomobile community.


The fact that John Williams is no longer a Velomobile World dealer in the UK became a challenge for us because we immediately thought about how to continue supporting the velomobile community in the UK. After some brainstorming we came up with the solution to use the same structure as we started using for USA and Canada in the autumn of 2022.


We made a page where we explain what we can offer you and what we expect. The page is made for Europe in general, but for GB we offer a bigger discount for ambassadors because ambassadors cannot rely on a dealer for support.


The page is on the link below:


On the bottom/top of the above page that contains details there is a red button. Just press it to inform us about your interest in the ambassadors program. We have maximum 12 places available, so hurry up!


1) After you send us your contact info we will contact you via email or WhatsApp to program a video to get to know each other

2) The next step is to make a configuration on the website at

3) You will receive an automatic email that you can ignore

4) We will give you a special price quote for ambassadors

5) When you are convinced that you are a good ambassador and the conditions are good for you, we ask you to make a down payment (advance payment) of 500 euro

6) The next step is to start the production planning process

7) If you want to make changes to your order, this possible until we start production

8) One week before finishing production, we will ask you to pay the rest of the invoice

9) Shipping of your velomobile? We will find a solution together, to discover the most efficient way


We look forward to working together with you!


Keep in touch,

The Velomobile World Team

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