
Heading to the Midnight Sun (Day 11)

Heading to the Midnight Sun. A Velomobile Trip with Brigitte and Fritz.

Germany > Denmark > Norway > North Cape (Nordkapp) > Finland > Germany


Discover HERE All the Days from "Heading to the Midnight Sun" Trip



Day 11 | Nesbyen - Garben | 141 KM | 1587 HM


Today we packed up tent wet. It was the most gruelling rain ride for a long time. Maybe like 2014 through the Baltic States. We had what felt like 3 weeks of rain and snow.


After a short detour on the cycle route, we returned to the N7. Lots of traffic, because a road was closed due to a landslide, plus weekend returnees plus holidaymakers and some heavy traffic. In addition, approx. 110 km uphill again and again via Gol and Geilo.


Behind Geilo onto Hardangervidda. At the beginning ramps with 9-10%. Then more moderate again. Often we thought we were at the top. The view of a small stream always said the opposite. Always up and down around 1100-1200 m. above sea level. Wet and sweaty and wearing a foam top or a bolero made of softshell. Oncoming trucks plunged us into a cloud of spray. Again and again drizzle, real rain and sometimes a rain break the whole day. We are no longer used to this since the summers are drier. Yesterday was also an exhausting day. And unfortunately BRouter has no elevation data for large parts. So we didn't really know what to expect.


Then at some point we went down into a complete wall of fog or we were in the clouds. It was a bit scary. Cold, damp, a body of water next to us only to be glimpsed.


Finally we rented a hytta on the Hardangervidda at 860 m. above sea level. Shower with underfloor heating. Wow. There I stand with wet socks, trousers wet from sweating, Tshirt also on a floor heating. The warm water seems scorching hot to me.


Later, Lettøl with potato and sausage soup. That's nice.




⬆️ Packing the luggage / Packen des Gepäcks / Préparer les bagages

⬆️ Stop for coffee / Halt für Kaffee / S'arrêter pour prendre un café

⬆️ N7

⬆️ Hardangervidda

⬆️ Top / Haut

⬆️ Troll

⬆️ Down in the clouds or fog / Unten in den Wolken oder im Nebel / Dans les nuages ou le brouillard

⬆️ Hytta



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