
My Alpha 7 is for Sale (by Jan)


Hello, Jan here.


As I mentioned in the above video, my Alpha 7 velomobile is for sale. Take a look to the video to see the reason why I'm selling it. If you want to see my Alpha 7 configuration/options, just click on the link below and you can explore the PDF with all the info that you need.


If you are interested please contact me at "[email protected]".

The price is € 9.800,00





On our YouTube Channel there are some videos with my Alpha 7, in one of them I talk about my first impressions after a short time it came out from factory, I present some options that I have on it, in another I present my conclusions after cycling some kilometers with it, how I feel when I make road trips with this velomobile and more. You can watch the videos bellow...



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