The story of Jay, from South Korea
Author: Jay
This is the story of Jay, the Alpha 7 rider from South Korea. He is the first recumbent bike rider in South Korea and a living legend in the short history of recumbent biking in the country. Thank you Jay for sending your story!
Hello there! My name is Jay, and I am currently living in the beautiful region of Gyeonggi-do, in South Korea. My passion lies in cycling, a hobby that I have cultivated over the years. In fact, I hold the distinction of being the pioneer of recumbent bike riding in Korea, an initiative that has quickly gained traction and popularity throughout the country.
I was the first recumbent bike rider in South Korea, a place once barren of recumbent bikes.
In the earlier years, specifically before 2002, I used to enjoy riding MTBs. As Korea started expanding its network of bike-only paths, my interests started shifting. I craved speed, the thrill of the rush, and hence began my search for a more efficient bike that could cater to this newfound aspiration. During a visit to Paris, I was captivated by the sight of a recumbent bike near the Arc de Triomphe. This encounter sparked my curiosity, leading me on a search across the internet, ultimately leading to the purchase of the BARON, a remarkable recumbent bike manufactured by the Dutch company, OPTIMA. This bike became my companion for a solid decade of exhilarating rides. My journey continued with the acquisition of a Greenspeed tandem trike and an HP Scorpion, both of which are three-wheel recumbent bikes. Despite their comfort, the weight of the three-wheelers and the speed limitations of the recumbent bikes left me yearning for something more.
Since then, I have experienced riding many different recumbent bikes.
I was the first person to ride a tandem trike in South Korea.
My attention was caught by velomobiles, fascinating contraptions that seemed to answer my quest for speed. After much contemplation, I found the ideal fit for me - a carbon velomobile. The design that truly won me over was the sleek and efficient Alpha 7. While the terrain of my cycling routes here in Gyeonggi-do could be challenging, making rides less comfortable, the joy of being able to indulge in my passion, rain or shine, cold weather or warm, brings me immense satisfaction.
The velomobile has offered me many advantages beyond just speed. It allows for simple attire even in cold weather.
A photo taken with Leggero.
Transitioning to a velomobile didn't come easy. It demanded meticulous adjustments to match my physique and riding style. It was a long journey of trial and error until I was able to optimize it for my use. But through every step of this process, I found unwavering support from the velomobile teams here in Korea. The future beckons, and I am ready to pedal forward. While my time with the velomobile has been relatively short, it has been a rich and rewarding journey. Today, I am in a place of contentment, thoroughly enjoying every ride.
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