
Martin Eggen

How can I help you?

Wie kann ich Ihnen helfen (Anklicken zum Öffnen)

Hallo, mein Name ist Martin Eggen und ich bin ein Velomobiel Botschafter aus Bern, Schweiz. Ich liebe es mit meinem Velomobiel neue Strecken zu erkunden, um zur Arbeit zu fahren. Ausserdem geniesse ich bei kälteren Temperaturen den Komfort meines Velomobiels ausser, wenn die Strassen schneebedeckt oder eisig sind. Lassen Sie mich wissen, wie ich Ihnen helfen kann, eine fantastische Alternative zum Auto zu entdecken, die viel schneller und bequemer ist als ein Fahrrad! Lassen Sie uns jetzt ein Gespräch und vielleicht sogar eine Probefahrt vereinbaren!

Hi! My name is Martin Eggen and I’m a velomobile ambassador from Bern, Switzerland. I love exploring new routes on my velomobile to get to work. I also enjoy the comfort of my velomobile in colder temperatures, except when the roads are snow-covered or icy. Let me know how I can help you discover a fantastic alternative to a car that’s much faster and more comfortable than a bicycle! Let’s schedule a chat and maybe even a test drive now!


Email: [email protected]


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About me and my bicycle

Über mich und mein Fahrrad (Anklicken zum Öffnen)

Seit ich 10 Jahre alt war, fahre ich mit dem Fahrrad, zuerst zur Schule und dann zur Arbeit. Im Winter wollte man mich und mein Fahrrad jeweils mit dem Auto mitnehmen, wenn man sah, wie ich meinen Weg durch den tiefen und schweren Schnee pflügte. Nach mehreren Stürzen auf Schnee und Eis habe ich das Velofahren dann auf die 5 Monate ohne Schnee und Kälte reduziert. Seither war ich auf der Suche nach einer Möglichkeit wieder mehr Monate pro Jahr sicher und ohne Kälte Fahrrad zu fahren.


Vor ca. 5 Jahren habe ich, als ich zur Arbeit fuhr, das erste Mal ein Velomobiel gesehen. Nur damals wusste ich noch nicht, was es war. Ich fragte mich, ob es einen Motor hat, da es so schnell wie ich es gesehen hatte auch schon wieder an mir ‘vorbeiflog’. Liegt man darin auf dem Bauch oder Rücken? Man kann nur ganz kleine Fenster sehen.


Zufälligerweise begegnete ich meinem Nachbar, der so ein Velomobiel gekauft hatte und erklärte mir alles ganz ausführlich. Da er bereits ein (stolzer) Besitzer von zwei Velomobielen ist, haben wir zusammen eine Runde gedreht.


Bei Jürg Birkenstock durfte ich vier verschiedene Modelle ausgiebig ausprobieren. Danach mietete ich eines der Velomobiele für zwei Wochen. Grossen Dank auch an meine wunderbare Frau, welche mich tatkräftig unterstützt hat, was nicht ganz selbstverständlich ist. Für die Heimreise bestiegen wir in Rapperswil das Schiff. Selbst der Kapitän zeigte sich interessiert, obschon er noch nie so ein Gefährt gesehen hatte und liess mich nach kurzer Inspektion gerne mitfahren.


Während den zwei Wochen konnte ich viel Erfahrung sammeln, und erhielt überall viele positive Reaktionen. Zum Abschluss und zu m einem grossen Vergnügen konnte ich ein Teilstück der 3-Seenrundfahrt miterleben.


Für den Kauf braucht es die fachmännische Beratung – in der Schweiz von Jürg Birkenstock in Rapperswil. Zudem existieren viele Videos auf dem Internet z.B. von Saukki aus Finnland.



Jürg Birkenstock : +41 79 664 22 62

I’ve been cycling since I was 10 years old, first to school and then to work. In winter, people wanted to take me and my bike in the car when they saw me ploughing my way through the deep and heavy snow. After several falls on snow and ice, I reduced my cycling to the 5 months without snow and cold. Since then, I have been looking for a way to cycle safely and without cold weather for more months of the year.


I saw a velomobile for the first time about 5 years ago when I was travelling to work. Only then I didn’t know what it was. I wondered if it had a motor, as it ‘flew’ past me as quickly as I had seen it. Do you lie on your stomach or back in it? You can only see very small windows.


By chance, I bumped into my neighbour who had bought one of these velomobiles and explained everything to me in detail. As he is already the (proud) owner of two velomobiles, we went for a spin together.


Jürg Birkenstock allowed me to try out four different models. I then rented one of the velomobiles for a fortnight. Many thanks also to my wonderful wife, who actively supported me, which is not a matter of course. We boarded the boat in Rapperswil for the journey home. Even the captain was interested, even though he had never seen such a vehicle before, and after a short time he let me on board.


During the two weeks I was able to gain a lot of experience and received many positive reactions everywhere. Finally, and to my great pleasure, I was able to experience a section of the 3-lake tour.


To buy a bike, you need expert advice – in Switzerland from Jürg Birkenstock in Rapperswil. There are also many videos on the Internet, e.g., from Saukki in Finland.



Jürg Birkenstock : +41 79 664 22 62

Bülk MK1 Velomobile

After Eggert Bülk and Jens Buckbesch started the Milan project in 2005 (which is still running successfully today), they started a new velomobile project in 2021, the Bülk-MK1. It implements a new space utilization and aerodynamic concept. The findings from various wind tunnel tests were also taken into account. Jens documented every step of the Bülk-MK1 project, then he sent us very detailed info to create a page where you can discover the philosophy of the Bülk-MK1.


A velomobile is a human-powered vehicle related to the bicycle, for everyday use, with a body/shell that provides comfort, weather protection and luggage space. Due to the aerodynamically shaped bodywork, you can achieve a decent speed with little effort (30-50 km/h on flat road). Velomobiles are very suitable as commuter vehicles, for shopping or holidays, also are a good way to clear your mind while taking a tour or a road trip with your friends.

Why you will love one

● Fun to drive with little effort on long distances

Environmental friendly transport

● Very suitable for commuting, shopping, holiday travels

Comfortable to drive

You are independent, needs only your force to work

Good for training and sport, good for your health


If you live in Switzerland, please create an account, so you can order your velomobile. After you create your account on our website, you can access the configurator to create the velomobile after your needs, you will see also the final price and other details, if you follow the steps. Do you need help? Please contact me!

People. Experiences. Reviews.

Werner Klomp, one of our clients, took some time to share with us his experience over the years with a few models of velomobiles.

I just want to write something positive as a customer of; In one year, I drove about 16.000 till 20.000 km with a velomobile made by in Romania, and that’s already over 10 years with a lot of fun and almost no problems.

The velomobiles are getting better and better, lighter and lighter, faster and faster. Therefore I thank the Romanian producers and off course the designer Daniel Fenn and also the distributor Ymte with whom I have also good connections. If there is a problem, what normally is small, the help from all three of them is very fast. I never had a problem that big in the last 8 years that I couldn’t drive on to the destination I want.

The first Velomobile was a Strada, which I drove in two years about 50.000 km and the only problem was the broken suspension on the back. This part made from aluminum was on the post after two days at my place to repair it. Strada was a little bit big for me, that is when Daniel came to and started to work there. At that time he designed the DF, which is like a smaller Strada, with the complete team from The DF velomobile came and I drove it with a lot of fun and speed, over 50.000 km in two years. By driving so many kilometers you’ll always find something to make better. All those experiences I offered to the team to make it even better than already was. The time goes on, people want to do their business to work, not always together, so Ymte started Intercitybike and Daniel is working for himself in southern Germany.

Daniel designed a new model called Alpha 7, which is a bit bigger than DF but a bit smaller than  DF XL. This velomobile is about 21 kg, which is 3 kg lighter than the normal DF, so as you can see, it is still getting better and better. This Velomobile is made in Romania of course, and at a really good quality. Also if the new velomobiles have some problems, they always fix them very fast and the customers are getting help. The Alpha is now also produced with tank steering, which is made from carbon fiber and very light.

At this moment I have an Alpha with tank steering at home and a DF that was specially made for me with special parts and special carbon fiber to make it lighter for me. This one made me happy and I drove 500 km already, with a lot of hill meters in it the last 5 days. The speed between Alpha and my special DF is almost the same, but for me the DF fits very well to my body, so I am very lucky to have this part built for me in Romania.

So I want to thank the whole team in Romania for their work, the good parts and the deliver … thanks a lot guys.

Velomobiles on world roads

We have happy clients that are delighted about the velomobile experience, in over 20 countries around the world.

Germany, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Netherlands, Belgium, England, Austria, Switzerland, Italy, France, Portugal, Spain

China, Japan, Korea, Saudi Arabia

USA, Canada, Brazil

Australia & New Zealand


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