
Electric installation upgrade




Hi, it's Jan from Velomobile World and I am now in factory, it's five past eight in the evening, it's quiet now because we have one shift and because we're looking forward to finish the second workshop and probably in one of the next videos I will show you the updates for the other workshop.


But I want to show you something else, we made an upgrade for the electric installation.


So we did an upgrade for electric installation, so we have now two Kellermanns on the rear, one is blinking and one is brake and position. We did this upgrade to improve visibility because if you have the three in one and your battery is kind of empty you would see still the difference between breaking and blinking but the visibility was not that great it could be better, let's say that way, it can be improved, so we did the improvements, so that's why we have now break and position and blinking, at least I think, yeah yeah, up is blinking and the bottom one is for brake and positioning light.


Well I'm really happy with it because it increased the visibility, it changed a bit how it looks, I'm already used to it because we made already I think 10 Bülk velomobiles with this installation and it's now also on the GT, it's on the Alpha, so yeah, we did this improvement, I hope you like it as well, see you next time, bye bye.



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