Heading to the Midnight Sun. A Velomobile Trip with Brigitte and Fritz.
Germany > Denmark > Norway > North Cape (Nordkapp) > Finland > Germany
Discover HERE All the Days from "Heading to the Midnight Sun" Trip
Day 10 | Krøderen - Nesbyen | 85 KM | 1500 HM
With the midnight sun, it's crazy. When you wake up at 3:30 in the night, it's as bright as day. You have to look at the clock again to make sure it's still bedtime. During the night it drizzled a little on the tent. Just in time to get up, the rain was over, but the mosquitoes were already waiting for me. When there is no wind, they come quickly in the morning and evening. First I looked for our head net, which we still have from Scotland. At least it keeps the pests away from my head. Otherwise, only long clothes and "Keep On Moving" help.
Around nine we set off and rolled along the lake to Noresund. There the serious part of the day began. On a toll road up the Norefjell. A good 10 km between five and 10 %. The higher we got, the more beautiful the views of the lake below us and the mountains in the distance became. This is how we had imagined Norway. After more than an hour at the top, I was completely drenched in sweat and, apart from my socks, all my clothes were wet. The only thing that helps me is to put on new clothes and put the wet ones in a bag. Now a little over the Fjell. Everywhere the hyttas of the Norwegians. They all try to have a hut where they spend their free time, hiking, skiing or doing something else. Soon we were going steeply downhill again to Eggedal. There we stopped for lunch and another coffee. A group of motorcyclists who were also sitting there were quite curious about what we were riding. As soon as it was clear that they were bicycles and that we had travelled from Germany on them, there was only Ah and Oh. It's strange that for most people it's inconceivable to travel by bicycle or to ride for a longer period of time.
Our route to Rødberg turned left after the village. Under the barrier again onto a toll road. Behind the first bend came a gravel road. We didn't want to drive uphill this for a long time. At that moment, a large off-road pick-up truck came around the bend behind us. We asked the young man how the road was. He said it was getting worse, steep and with lots of potholes. So it was clear to us that we would not go this way. We had to change our plan and drove further north to get back to the 700 m lower main road via a pass. For this we went uphill for quite a while. On the way we were able to visit two larger waterfalls. At about 900 m we finally went downhill to Bromma. A long and mostly steep descent, so that our brakes got hot again at some point. Down by the river, the Hallingdalselve, we looked for a campsite 10 km further on. It was enough for us for today.
Rain far away / Regen weit weg / La pluie au loin
Eggedal Church / Eggedal Kirk / Église d'Eggedal
Go back - Bad gravel road / Zurückgehen - Schlechte Schotterstraße / Retour - Mauvaise route de gravier
Near the pass / In der Nähe des Passes / Près du col
Sheeps / Schafe / Moutons
Raining / Es regnet / Pluie
Cover against rain / Schutz vor Regen / Couverture contre la pluie
Downhill / Abfahrtslauf / Descente
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