
Interviews with the dealers


There are a lot of dealers around the world, in different countries. Local dealers have an important role if you want to get a velomobile. With some of them we’ll make video interviews, others will write us answers to different questions, but the purpose is the same, to know them better, to find out more about their activity and how they can help you.

Interview with Sven Kroll (Velomobile Nord, Germany)

This video interview is with Sven Kroll from North of Germany and he has a great passion for velomobiles. Sven is waiting for you at his workshop to get in touch with the velomobile world, to start a special cycling experience. Jan and Sven had a friendly discussion about the activity of a dealer and other things that can be useful for you, if you live around North of Germany. Enjoy!

Velomobile Nord
Ahornstrasse 9
Kutenholz DE-27449

Contact person: Sven Kroll
Phone: +494762 9234448
Website: (visit now)
Email: [email protected]

Interview with Daniel Stolpe (Velomobile Center Finland)

Living in a beautiful place, in a countryside landscape, Daniel is waiting for you to get in touch with a velomobile and to start a great cycling experience. We asked Daniel some questions about his activity as a velomobile dealer and he gave us some answers that can be useful for you, if you live in Finland and you want to join the velomobile family.

1. Where are you located? How people can contact you? Can people find you online?

I am living in Taklax, on the west coast of Finland, near Vaasa. Best way is to call me on phone.
I also have a website:


2. How many models can people usually see at your dealer location?

Usually people can see Milan SL and Alpha 7 velomobiles.

See Milan SL >

See Alpha 7 >


3. Can the interested persons have a test drive with the velomobile? How is this working, with or without programming?

Yes of course that is possible, but you should contact me in advance to book a test ride.


4. Can the clients buy velomobile parts from you? If yes, what is the process, do you have the parts on stock or you have to order them? In how much time do you usually receive the parts after ordering them?

Yes, I usually take orders and I order it as soon as my clients want it. It could take 1-2 weeks normally.


5. What is your relationship with the clients? How often you inform them about the news related to velomobiles and by what channels of information (email, phone, social media, website articles etc.)

I am planning to have a reward for all of my customers that refer another customer to me. Also if the clients want, they can receive news about velomobiles. There are some Facebook groups where I post sometimes.

Velomobile Center Finland
Smed-träskvägen 7
Taklax 66280, Finland

Contact person: Daniel Stolpe
Phone: +358401439673
Email: [email protected]

Interview with Henning (Velomobile Ottersberg, Germany)

Living in Northern Germany, Henning is waiting for you at his workshop, to discover how it feels to drive a velomobile and to start a special cycling experience. We asked Henning some questions about his activity as a velomobile dealer and he gave us some answers that can be helpful for you, if you live in Germany and you want to join the velomobile community.

1. Where are you located? How people can contact you? Can people find you online?

I am located in the north of Germany, between Hamburg and Bremen. You can reach me by car (Autobahn A1 and A27), by train and we even have a small airport nearby (besides the commercial ones in Hamburg and Bremen).

You can contact me via my Homepage / Online Shop or phone +49 4205 5914889 in German or English.


2. How many models can people usually see at your dealer location?

As for now I have the Milan SL & GT as well as the DF & DF XL on display. I will get the Evo R soon as well and might add other models upon request.

See Milan SL >

See Milan GT >



3. Can the interested persons have a test drive with the velomobile? How is this working, with or without programming?

Test rides are very important! I planned a route/course of 20 km where you can find different qualities of road surfaces (from freshly paved to almost gravel) and different traffic situations as well. In this way people can figure out if the desired velomobile fits themselves and their needs. If you have been overwhelmed by all the impressions on the first test ride, you can make a new appointment and find the desired velomobile already ready to go at my place, as I will take the settings from the first test ride – if you wish.

The route/course can be downloaded to your cell-/mobile phone and you get a printout with points for orientation on where to turn and what to look out for.


4. Can the clients buy velomobile parts from you? If yes, what is the process, do you have the parts on stock or you have to order them? In how much time do you usually receive the parts after ordering them?

You can buy spare parts and additional accessories 24/7 from my Online Shop and I ship worldwide!

I send packages Monday – Friday, if on stock and ordered (and paid) until 14 o’clock German time, I will send the same day!

As for now I will keep adding things to my Online Shop and it’ll grow throughout the year. Feel free to drop me a line if the desired part/tool isn’t available yet. I will see what I can do for you ☺


5. What is your relationship with the clients? How often you inform them about the news related to velomobiles and by what channels of information (email, phone, social media, website articles etc.)

You can always sign up for my newsletter. I do send news on an irregular basis, so you won’t get spammed by me. 

If you don’t like newsletters, you can follow me on:

Facebook >

Instagram >

Twitter >

YouTube >


Sometimes I do have special occasions and deals on Velomobiles 🙂

Velomobile Vertrieb und Service Ottersberg
Große Straße 20
Ottersberg 28870, Germany

Contact person: Henning
Phone: +49 4205 5914889
Email: [email protected]

Interview with Tae Wook Jeong | RECUMBENT KOREA (SEOUL, SOUTH KOREA)

Living in Seoul, South Korea, Tae Wook Jeong, owner of Recumbent Korea, is waiting for you at his workshop to get in touch with a velomobile and to start a great cycling experience. Having 13 years experience in Recumbent and Trike in South Korea, he can help you with a lot of answers that can be useful for you, if you live in South Korea and you want to join the velomobile community. Now, he has confidence that velomobiles will be innovative vehicles in the near future.

리컴번트코리아가 여러분을 기다리고 있습니다. 벨로모빌 입문에 대해 여러가지를 도울 수 있습니다.
리컴번트코리아는 Velomobile이 가까운 장래에 환경보존과 인류건강을 위한 혁신적인 교통수단이 될 것으로 확신합니다.

1. Where are you located? How people can contact you? Can people find you online?

I am located in Seoul, Kangdong-gu. You can reach me at 5th Subway Cheonho station.

You can also contact me via my Homepage/Online Shop
or phone +010-7460-7464

1. 당신은 어디에 있습니까? 사람들이 어떻게 연락 할 수 있습니까? 사람들이 온라인에서 나를 찾을 수 있습니까?
저는 서울 강동구에 있습니다. 지하철 5 호선 천호역에서 오세요.
내 홈페이지 / 온라인 상점 WWW.RECUMBENTKOREA.COM을 통해서도 저에게 연락할 수 있습니다.
또는 전화 + 010-7460-7464


2. How many models can people usually see at your dealer location?

We already have DF, also Alpha 7.2 and Milan GT MK7 will be displayed. We have other Trikes and Recumbent Bikes too.

See Alpha 7 >

See Milan GT >


2. 사람들이 딜러 위치에서 보통 몇 개의 모델을 볼 수 있습니까?
우리는 이미 DF를 가지고 있으며 Alpha 7.2와 Milan GT MK7도 곧 입고됩니다. 우리는 다른 Trikes와 Recumbent Bikes도 있습니다.
보기 > ALPHA 7
보기 > DF / DFXL


3. Can the interested persons have a test drive with the velomobile? How is this working, with or without programming?

Normally we talk with the customers for many times, to know which model or vehicle is the best. We recommend two models and options, then give them the chance to ride beside Han-river. Finally we make the order confirmation. We invite the customer in riding day.

3. 관심있는 사람들이 velomobile로 테스트 드라이브를 할 수 있습니까? 어떻게 하면 참여할 수 있습니까?

일반적으로 우리는 가장 적합한 모델을 찾기 위해 고객이 활용할 방안, 체형 등에 대해 고려하고 다양한 이야기를 나누고 있습니다.
보통 복수의 모델과 옵션을 추천하고 한강 옆에서 탈 수있는 기회를 주거나 벨로모빌 라이딩 데이에 고객님을 초대하여 테스트할 기회를 줍니다.


4. Can the clients buy velomobile parts from you? If yes, what is the process, do you have the parts on stock or you have to order them? In how much time do you usually receive the parts after ordering them?

You can buy spare parts and additional accessories from our Online Shop , by phone call (+010-7460-7464), or by email ([email protected])

4. 클라이언트는 당신에게서 velomobile 부속을 살 수 있습니까? 그렇다면, 프로세스는 무엇입니까? 부품 재고가 있습니까 아니면 주문해야합니까? 부품을 주문한 후 일반적으로 얼마나 많은 시간이 소요됩니까?

온라인 샵 WWW.RECUMBENTKOREA.COM , 전화 (+ 010-7460-7464), 이메일 ( [email protected] )을 통해 예비 부품 및 추가 액세서리를 구매할 수 있습니다
개별 부품은 그 특성상 시간은 약간 더 걸리지만 반드시 구해서 공급하고 있습니다.


5. What is your relationship with the clients? How often you inform them about the news related to velomobiles and by what channels of information (email, phone, social media, website articles etc.)

We have a big community.

Facebook >

Naver Cafe >

YouTube >

5. 고객과의 관계는 어떻습니까? 얼마나 자주 Velomobiles와 관련된 뉴스를 알리고 정보 채널 (이메일, 전화, 소셜 미디어, 웹 사이트 기사 등)을 통해 정보를 나누고 있습니까?

우리는 대한민국에서 네이버에 가장 활발하고 큰 카페를 가지고 있으며 다양한 사람의 경험과 전세계 정보를 공유하고 있습니다.
네이버카페에 리컴번트코리아를 검색하면 됩니다.

또한 리컴번트코리아는 페이스북에 있는 리컴번트 & 벨로모빌 월드포럼의 창시자이며 개별 유튜브채널도 갖고 있습니다.

Recumbent Korea
102ho 42, Gucheonmyeon-ro 16-gil, Gangdong-gu
Seoul 05247, Republic of Korea

Contact person: Tae Wook Jeong (Owner)
Phone: +010-7460-7464
Email: [email protected]

Interview with Christophe | CYCLES ROULCOUCHÉ (FRANCE)

Habitant à Guérard (France), Christophe vous attend dans son atelier, pour découvrir ce que cela fait de conduire un vélomobile et pour commencer une expérience cycliste particulière. Nous avons posé à Christophe quelques questions sur son activité de revendeur vélomobile et il nous a apporté quelques réponses qui pourront vous être utiles, si vous habitez en France et que vous souhaitez rejoindre la communauté vélomobile.

Living in Guérard (France), Christophe is waiting for you at his workshop, to discover how it feels to drive a velomobile and to start a special cycling experience. We asked Christophe some questions about his activity as a velomobile dealer and he gave us some answers that can be helpful for you, if you live in France and you want to join the velomobile community.

1. Où êtes-vous situé ? Comment les gens peuvent vous contacter ? Les gens peuvent-ils vous trouver en ligne?

Le magasin est situé à 50 km à l’est de Paris, il est accessible en train directement depuis la gare de l’Est. La meilleur façon de me contacter est de m’envoyer un e-mail, mais on peut aussi me téléphoner aux heures d’ouvertures.

1. Where are you located? How people can contact you? Can people find you online?

The store is located 50 km east of Paris, it is accessible by train directly from Gare de l’Est. The best way to contact me is to send me an email, but I can also be called during opening hours.


2. Combien de modèles les gens peuvent-ils généralement voir chez votre concessionnaire?

J’ai un DF-XL et un Quattrovelo à l’essai ainsi qu’un Mango pour les clients qui souhaitent simplement découvrir les sensations en vélomobile. J’aurai très prochainement en plus un Alpha 7, un Milan GT et un Snoek.

Voir Alpha 7 >

Voir Milan GT >

Voir DF/DFXL >

Voir Snoek >

2. How many models can people usually see at your dealer location?

I have a DF-XL and a QuattroVelo on the test as well as a Mango for customers who just want to experience the sensations in a velomobile. Very soon I will also have an Alpha 7, a Milan GT and a Snoek.


3. Les personnes intéressées peuvent-elles faire un essai routier avec le vélomobile ? Comment ça marche, avec ou sans programmation?

Les personnes intéressées peuvent faire des essais (gratuitement dans la limite du raisonnable). Il faut de préférence réserver avant entre le mardi et le vendredi et venir avec ses chaussures de vélo équipé de cale SPD VTT. Il est alors possible de faire un tour d’une dizaines de kilomètres sur des petites routes.

3. Can the interested persons have a test drive with the velomobile? How is this working, with or without programming?

Those interested can make tests (free in reasonable limits). You should preferably book before between Tuesday and Friday and come with your bike shoes equipped with SPD MTB cleats. It is then possible to make a tour of tens of kilometers on small roads.


4. Les clients peuvent-ils vous acheter des pièces de vélomobile ? Si oui, quel est le processus, avez-vous les pièces en stock ou devez-vous les commander ? En combien de temps recevez-vous généralement les pièces après les avoir commandées?

J’ai en stock les pièces d’usures les plus courantes, sinon je les commande. Je peux les envoyer pas la poste pour les clients n’habitant pas à proximité, le mieux est de me les commander par e-mail. Je peux aussi faire de petites réparations sur la caisse du vélomobile mais pour les gros dommages je les rapporte chez Velomobiel ou InterCity Bike.

4. Can the clients buy velomobile parts from you? If yes, what is the process, do you have the parts on stock or you have to order them? In how much time do you usually receive the parts after ordering them?

I have the most common wear parts in stock, otherwise I order them. I can send them by post to customers who do not live nearby, the best is to order them by e-mail. I can also do small repairs on the body of the velomobile but for major damage I report them to Velomobiel or InterCity Bike.


5. Quelle est votre relation avec les clients ? À quelle fréquence les informez-vous de l’actualité liée aux vélomobiles et par quels canaux d’information (e-mail, téléphone, réseaux sociaux, articles de site Web, etc.)

Je communique les informations sur les nouveaux produits ou les vélos d’occasions sur mon site internet : www.roulcouché.com, mais je suis très peu sur les réseaux sociaux.

5. What is your relationship with the clients? How often you inform them about the news related to velomobiles and by what channels of information (email, phone, social media, website articles etc.)

I communicate information on new products or second-hand bikes on my website: www.roulcouché.com, but I don’t use social networks very much.

Cycles Roulcouché
32 bis rue de la gare
Guérard 77 580, France

Contact person: Christophe Baudin
Phone: +33 (0)1 70 35 54 94
Email: [email protected]

Interview with Werner | Werners Velomobil Service (Austria)

Living in Götzis (Austria), a beautiful place with great landscapes, Werner is waiting for you to get in touch with a velomobile and to start a great cycling experience. We asked Werner some questions about his activity as a velomobile dealer and he gave us some answers that can be useful for you, if you live in Austria and you want to join the velomobile family. Being a big velomobile enthusiast, he can help you with a lot of valuable info, if you contact him.

1. Where are you located? How people can contact you? Can people find you online?

I am a dealer of velomobiles in Austria, I am located in Götzis – Vorarlberg, 25 km from Bregenz (Lake Constance). My homepage/website is (under construction at the moment)


2. How many models can people usually see at your dealer location?

At this moment I have a DF and an Alpha 7 at my place. The Alpha 9 will also come to my place when it is ready to produce. I also sell Quest, Quest XS, Strada, QuattroVelo and the Snoek, but I don’t have those at my location. I don’t want to have too much velomobiles at my place while the place is still small, it is also my living house.

View Alpha 7 >

View DF/DFXL >

View Snoek >

View Quest >

View Quest XS >

View Strada >

View QuattroVelo >


3. Can the interested persons have a test drive with the velomobile? How is this working, with or without programming?

At this moment there is a DF and an Alpha 7 at my place where people can make a test ride if they want to. People should contact me (by telephone or email) first before they come, I am still working during the day as a Technical Engineer, I am present at the Velomobile Store in the evening and in the weekends.


4. Can the clients buy velomobile parts from you? If yes, what is the process, do you have the parts on stock or you have to order them? In how much time do you usually receive the parts after ordering them?

Some spare parts are on stock to build in when the customer needs it. If there are special parts to order, they arrive normally in one week at my place after ordering.


5. What is your relationship with the clients? How often you inform them about the news related to velomobiles and by what channels of information (email, phone, social media, website articles etc.)

Online I’m present on the Velomobilforum, where most of the people know me as “Sunny Werner”. I am also the President of our “Liegeradclub Vorarlberg” (Recumbent Bike Club) where we have 60 members at the moment. We are making a lot of rides together in our region. I also participate on races, where the costumers can speak to me and make test rides if they want to.

Werners Velomobil Service
Steig 20
A6840 Götzis, Austria

Contact person: Werner Klomp
Phone: +43 699 105 26 175
Email: [email protected]

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