
Heading to the Midnight Sun (Day 17)

Heading to the Midnight Sun. A Velomobile Trip with Brigitte and Fritz.

Germany > Denmark > Norway > North Cape (Nordkapp) > Finland > Germany


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Day 17 | Nordrevik -Dravik | 103 KM | 1441 HM


Today there was an incredible amount to see. Our route led along the coast from Nordrevik to Vadheim in the mountains, via Sande and the Gaularfjellet down to Balestrand back to the Sognefjord. There was nothing else we could do but drive through the mountains. But it was totally worth it.


A mild night on a camping site where there were no showers. So we had to bathe and wash in the sea. Only one toilet and no kitchen. At least there was electricity. But the next morning everything was dry and we could pack early. Everything was still quiet. We soon had an extra path for cyclists again.


Behind Vadheim into the mountains. Past the old path with a very old bridge.


Behind Sande to the east and upwards.


In steps it goes higher and higher. Then comes the Eikelandsfossen.


More waterfalls and almost glassy lakes follow in the further ascent.


Slowly we are saturated with waterfalls, lakes, streams and mountains.


At the end, the beautiful conclusion. At the top we meet a tour group from Gütersloh. So it's just around the corner from us. No, that's not what I meant. The finale is, of course, the descent over these fabulous serpentines.


The Finn up here at the pass was decadent in a positive sense. He let himself be driven in the Panamera. Stopped at photographically interesting places, walked along with his cut-out frame, then lugged his real heavy equipment along and then took his photos. We kept overtaking each other. The picture plates were about 30x40 or larger. A Hasselblad perhaps??? The tripod was awesome. A huge rectangular bag with all kinds of stuff, a big camera bag for the plates. And then it stood there for minutes to expose. Very cool, actually. Given his external circumstances, I'd like to do that too. I would have liked to see the results. His driver was very cagey when I asked him questions. He claimed he couldn't speak English, which I didn't believe. He just didn't want to tell me anything.


During one of our breaks to cool down for the brakes, a fat motorhome pulled up next to us and out came one Thai after another. Two to be exact. Biggi said there was at least one more inside. Then came the old Norwegian. Biggi was standing right next to the motorhome with her Alpha. The Thais then wanted to take selfies with their hands on her Alpha. The Norwegian asked for how much money he could drive down with our velomobile. I said for a lot. He said, "Do you need money? Me, no, we still need our VMs in one piece. It was really decadent and Biggi just wanted to leave. It reminded me of a text in grade 12, when we translated a report in Latin about a Roman feast. Hm, no photo of the Norwegian and his companions. But imagination is better anyway.


As I said, the waterfront road didn't go all the way for us. Besides, it was absolutely worth it to drive over the Gaularfjellt. Incidentally, the descent from Gaular, 7-11% according to Wahoo, is also compared to the Troll climb.




⬆️ Tunnel

⬆️ Old bridge / Alte Brücke / Vieux pont

⬆️ Eikelandsfossen

⬆️ Very old chapel / Sehr alte Kapelle / Très ancienne chapelle

⬆️ Narrow street / Enge Straße / Rue étroite

⬆️ Another waterfall / Ein weiterer Wasserfall / Une autre cascade

⬆️ Near the top / Nahe der Spitze / Près du sommet

⬆️ Fjell

⬆️ Descent serpentines / Absteigende Serpentinen / Serpentins descendants

⬆️ The photographer / Der Fotograf / Le photographe

⬆️ Balestrand

⬆️ Balestrand



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