Hi, I'm Jan from Velomobile World, last time we made a video about adjustment of tracking and then somebody made a comment... yeah but there's also another method how to do it, so we came out here on a slightly hill and I want to show you how we do it.
There's the factory and as you can see we're in the middle of nowhere, in a very beautiful landscape of Romania.
These are the tools that we need to make it and I will show you how to do it.
So before I make this test I check three things, first one is, are my brakes coming completely loose, the second is tire pressure, so I check if there is good pressure on, I drive mostly here with 6 bar, because the roads are pretty rough and I don't like so much having a very bumpy ride, I know 6 is not ideal yet for rolling resistance, but if I put left and right both 6 bar it doesn't matter, so the third thing what I do, I measure the track, so I measure the front side and the rear side and I measured in above approximately the same height, so I know if I start with an approximately perfect tracking.
Check always if there are no heavy things inside the bike because it can roll and then damage your shell and that's not funny.
Yeah, we have really rough roads so I have some scratches underneath, so, I measure here approximately the middle of the tire and here the middle of the tire. Mine it's equal, if not you can take the ball joint off and adjust it here, I will show you later how to do that one.
So I brought some chalk with me and I take the middle points of my axle and start here. So I know I start from here every time, on the same spot, and I let it roll until it fully stops, don't cycle, today we have a really great weather because there's no wind, so that doesn't influence it, I will not go very high speeds, because if I go high speeds rolling down, aerodynamic will cut a big role in how far you come, you want to test only the rolling resistance, so you don't want to make high speeds, yeah let's start.
So I took down my legs from the pedals to make 100% sure I don't push a bit and I just release the brakes and let it roll until it stops.
So the easiest is to take down the wheel because you can come very easy on that spot. So I take down this one and if you put it back, on the end put some Loctite 243 on this one to make sure that it's 100% secured, although already here you have fillet and there you have fillet, so you have already a counter force, but still I prefer to have also Loctite on it. So I take this down... and I go for example one fillet in or half fillet we can do with Alpha 7 because we can... So I didn't bring the right key with me, I should bring the 11 here, I thought I need to bring a 10, but I managed to get this off anyhow and now I go one and half fillet it in and I put it back, then I repeat the same test at least twice, because to verify if the test is proper, if you have two times exactly on the same spot that's really perfect, but that's not gonna happen, so you need to take an average from the tests with the same settings, so you do every setting at least two times and you write down at the lines which settings you had.
So... it's practical what I do, I measure from the ball head until the... yeah, from the ball head to there nd then I measure how much millimeters that is and I write it down at the results line, otherwise you have... you will probably have like eight test runs and you don't know anymore which result was from which line, so, now we readjust this one, I will only tie this a little bit with the hands, not too much because probably there's a big chance I have to take it off anyway to do more tests, so this test takes a while before you do it, because every test run you do it two times, but normally you don't need to redo this again unless you hit a very big pothole and you bend something, otherwise this setting will be good for a long time, so you spend some time now in checking it and adjusting it and then after, as I said, you don't need to do it again and it saves you a lot of energy and tire wear, so let's do the test again.
So this was with the same setting and I arrived really really close to the same spot, so I know this is approximately a pretty good test in the middle, so this is the middle from the test, then we go up again and we adjust the track and repeat this again and then probably I will come further away, then I know the track was better or I will go less far, so I know I went the wrong way, so this you repeat quite a couple of times before you have the perfect setting, as I said already, uphill, this might take a while before you really find the perfect setting for you, have fun see you next time.
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