Heading to the Midnight Sun. A Velomobile Trip with Brigitte and Fritz.
Germany > Denmark > Norway > North Cape (Nordkapp) > Finland > Germany
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Day 42 | Karigasniemi - Ivalo | 144 KM | 838 HM
The weather was milder but overcast. Right at the beginning with 10% into the Finnish sand hills at over 300 m.a.s.l. to get warm. At the top there was wide tundra on the right and left. The whole day it went on undulating.
It was a bit crazy to go down and up again on the other side. Sometimes the momentum was enough to get back to the top. But all in all it was more relaxed than in the south of Norway. After 10:00 h the clouds cleared and it got warmer with every kilometre. In the end it was 25 degrees Celsius.
We took an early lunch break at a campsite by the river. There was a breakfast buffet for 15€.
The letterboxes here are interesting. The first ones had only one round hole. Probably ideal for the postman. Unfortunately, I missed to take a picture of them and then they didn't come anymore.
Otherwise, the ride was rather uneventful. Just driving and nice rolling.
Again and again surprising glimpses of the forest with lakes.
In the car park of the supermarket in Inari, a reindeer was running around. Inari is a tiny place on the huge lake Inari. When you drive there all day and it's so small, it's funny. As soon as you get inside, you're already through. This company for wooden houses was striking.
Always lovingly designed bus shelters.
A few more impressions of Lake Inari.
Should we have turned left at the roundabout to Murmansk? A little later we reached Ivalo. The town is already bigger.
So far, Finnish towns differ in appearance from Norwegian ones. The houses are more sober and limited to their functions. Everything seems clearer and simpler.
Start / Début
On the top, wide tundra left and right / Oben, links und rechts weite Tundra / En haut, une large toundra à gauche et à droite
Camping with breakfast buffet / Camping mit Frühstücksbuffet / Camping avec petit-déjeuner buffet
We eat all we can / Wir essen so viel wir können / Nous mangeons tout ce que nous pouvons
Letterbox / Briefkasten / Boîte aux lettres
Endless roads / Endlose Straßen / Des routes sans fin
Cruising / Kreuzfahrt / Croisière
Reindeer need something for the dinner ? / Rentiere brauchen etwas zum Abendessen? / Les rennes ont besoin de quelque chose pour le dîner ?
Company for wooden house building / Unternehmen für Holzhausbau / Entreprise de construction de maisons en bois
One of the 188.000 lakes in Finland / Einer der 188.000 Seen in Finnland / L'un des 188 000 lacs de Finlande
Little lake / Kleiner See / Petit lac
Inari lake / Inari-See / Lac Inari
Inari lake / Inari-See / Lac Inari
Inari lake / Inari-See / Lac Inari
Way to Murmansk ? / Weg nach Murmansk ? / Chemin vers Mourmansk ?
Lovely bus shelter / Schönes Buswartehäuschen / Joli abribus
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