
Heading to the Midnight Sun (Day 43)

Heading to the Midnight Sun. A Velomobile Trip with Brigitte and Fritz.

Germany > Denmark > Norway > North Cape (Nordkapp) > Finland > Germany


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Day 43 | Ivalo - Sodankylä | 159 KM | 701 HM


Lappi ei ole tasainen vaan mäkinen. Mutta tänään oli kaiken kaikkiaan erittäin mukava ajaa. I like the sound of the language. It was supposed to rain around 10:00. So we hurried. Besides, we had the chance to climb the last higher sand hill (over 300 m) with a notable gradient (partly 5%) before the rain. So to be able to ride without a foam cover.


And as planned, we make it before the rain comes.


There was quite a crosswind in parts today. The road here often runs on a kind of embankment. To avoid being blown over the edge by a gust of wind, we stay in the middle. Downhill we really pick up speed. The downhill stretches are especially long, so that you get something out of it for longer.


Meanwhile, I tend to interpret the fences as protection against snowdrifts. They are usually in places exposed to the wind.


Then I saw something moving far ahead of us on the right-hand side of the road? Reindeer or cyclists? Cyclists in black rain gear, but with safety belts over their shoulders in neon colours. A young girl from Münster in her early twenties on her first tour. And then all in Scandinavia. Wow. Now on the return journey overland, so Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Poland. Later we met again at the k-market. She had just introduced herself at a husky farm and wants to work as a musher again in winter, after 2x before.


The small all-round supermarket had an interior from the 70s perhaps. I was hot for these shelves in my youth. Very practical with grid adjustment and different, long arms available. Delivery services didn't exist back then. So I had picked up parts from Bremen from Achim 20 km by bike.


Behind the cash register the sink. The cashier only had to turn around for it.


Solitary houses on the E75. For the importance of the road, there is little going on. The cars usually come in columns. A handful behind 1-2 trucks or camper vans. Then it is quiet again.


In between, it is sunny from time to time. We also get short showers every now and then.


Every now and then there are street cafés with a full range of food.


Russian cars are now to be seen more often. So far, very few Finns have asked us about the velomobiles. We can only speculate as to why. Are they shy, not interested, you don't just approach strangers and leave them in peace - everyone has the right to their own nonsense???


Twice today, people ambushed us to take photos. When they wave, I'm happy and don't mind.


In Sodankylä, the first real town since Ivalo and 150 km, should be the end. So I do some shopping. While I am standing outside, Arto comes out of the supermarket. Apparently he works there.


He has striking glasses and speaks English with a hard Saukki accent. He wants to interview me. Yes, the market manager saw us parked in front of the door on his monitor and then sent him off.


What kind of vehicles are these?

Bicycles! Alright.

And how does that work?

Open the lid and let him look. Alright

Where are we from ..., Germany. Alright.

Then he wants to take photos.

But then also with the woman.

Since Biggi is in the shop, we wait a bit and he shows me one of his Stories on Instagram.

Then Biggi comes with the shopping.

Where do we leave them now?

We pack up. Alright

Final photo and we roll out of the car park.

That was a nice, funny guy.


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⬆️ Start / Début

⬆️ Last piece / Letztes Stück / Dernière pièce

⬆️ Massive wind / Massiver Wind / Vent violent

⬆️ Wooden construction house / Haus in Holzbauweise / Maison de construction en bois

⬆️ In the rain / Im Regen / Sous la pluie

⬆️ Brunch

⬆️ Lonesome house / Einsames Haus / Maison isolée

⬆️ Street cafe with all / Straßencafé mit allen / Café de rue avec tous les

⬆️ Two green vehicles / Zwei grüne Fahrzeuge / Deux véhicules verts

⬆️ Spotter / Observateur

⬆️ Letter boxes / Briefkästen / Boîtes aux lettres

⬆️ Lake / See / Lac

⬆️ Bus shelter / Buswartehäuschen / Abribus

⬆️ Sodankylä

⬆️ Arto



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