
Heading to the Midnight Sun (Day 44)

Heading to the Midnight Sun. A Velomobile Trip with Brigitte and Fritz.

Germany > Denmark > Norway > North Cape (Nordkapp) > Finland > Germany


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Day 44 | Sodankylä - Rovaniemi | 134 KM | 512 HM


Rain first thing in the morning. Thanks to the roof overhang we were able to stow everything dry and also start dry.


At the exit of Sodankylä we saw this man sitting on a stool holding up the traffic sign. What a lot of things there are.


During the day, showers again and again. It's best to air out afterwards.


Two showers were really heavy. Unbelievable amounts of water came down. The first one was at the Chinese petrol station and restaurant.


We stopped there for lunch. Inside, there's Chinese fast food with Finnish names. Let's have a coffee first. Here in Lapland you have to take what you can get. Who knows when there will be another opportunity. Only 60 km to the stage destination.


There was a Finnish ski resort on the route as well as an old gold-mining town.


And then, all of a sudden, there was a car park on both sides. That was unusual. It got longer and longer. At one point, the road was also double-laned twice. And so were the parking spaces. So it was a total of 8 lanes wide. I think a runway for emergencies and for a warlike confrontation. The thing was about 2 km long at the end. Reminded me of car parks on the A1 near Münster, where there are also such huge car parks.


The reindeer were also constantly running on the road again today.


Since it was raining all day, here are a few impressions of the rain and the sun in between.


Then someone was standing at a bus stop on the left. He waved at us. A Sami is waiting with his harvest for the bus??? Unfortunately it was uncomfortable, otherwise I would have driven over and asked. We crossed the Arctic Circle just before Rovaniemi at Santa Claus Village. You don't have to visit the village.


A vintage car was parked at the supermarket. What it looked like with original parts since delivery.


Because of the bad weather, we took a hut. We were both really enthusiastic about it. And then still quite cheap in comparison. We got the heaviest showers ever today, so we deserved it. And it's supposed to keep raining until tomorrow. There is one good thing about the showers. We have to try out an idea for an improved rain bolero.


In our beautiful hut we first had tea and various snacks. Athletes need fluids, salt, sugar in various forms, carbohydrates, vitamins and fats. Fits.


And that's why we rode here. SRAM GX 2x11. Whereby my rear derailleur still works.


While we're at it. Biggi's Conti Contact Urban with two patches inserted is still holding. The spot is unchanged. Is now an alternative for me to finish the tyres.


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⬆️ Starting / Start / Démarrer

⬆️ Air out / Luft raus / Sortie d'air

⬆️ Ski area / Skigebiet / Domaine skiable

⬆️ Reindeer / Rentier / Renne

⬆️ Breakfast and lunch at the Chinese filling station and restaurant / Frühstück und Mittagessen in der chinesischen Tankstelle und im Restaurant / Petit-déjeuner et déjeuner à la station-service et au restaurant chinois

⬆️ Raining / Regnen / Pluie

⬆️ After the rain / Nach dem Regen / Après la pluie

⬆️ A Sami ? / Ein Sami? / Un Sami ?

⬆️ Dark clouds / Dunkle Wolken / Nuages noirs

⬆️ Heavy rain / Starker Regen / Fortes pluies

⬆️ Santa Claus village / Weihnachtsmann-Dorf / Village du Père Noël

⬆️ Old Opel / Alter Opel / Vieille Opel

⬆️ Our hut / Unsere Hütte / Notre cabane

⬆️ Tea time / Teezeit / L'heure du thé

⬆️ Spare part / Ersatzteil / Pièce de rechange



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