
Heading to the Midnight Sun (Day 47)

Heading to the Midnight Sun. A Velomobile Trip with Brigitte and Fritz.

Germany > Denmark > Norway > North Cape (Nordkapp) > Finland > Germany


Discover HERE All the Days from "Heading to the Midnight Sun" Trip



Day 47 | Raahe - Kokkola | 143 KM | 355 HM


It was quite windy tonight and the whole day. Despite the nightly rain, everything was dry, including the laundry. So we could start early. The question was long shirt or short shirt. It was quite fresh in the wind. Looking through the photos, there is less and less that stands out somehow. Partly there is less, partly it is more hidden I guess. When I look on Google, there are already beautiful corners. They don't seem to be directly on the big streets. The roads are just built more around them than they are here. In Norway, maybe there wasn't enough space. In Finland there is plenty of space. In the settlements, the houses are quite far apart and sometimes further from the road.


We had speculated on meeting Saukki in person. Unfortunately, he didn't have time because of his small children. Thomas had not fared any better a few days ago. But tomorrow we will meet Olof in Vaasa. The calendar buyers may know him from the picture with the blue Mulsanne in front of an ice rink.


Due to the early arrival, we treated ourselves to strawberry cake from the refrigerated section with coffee at the campsite.


Incidentally, it was very summery with 29 degrees in the afternoon.


Discover the velomobiles


⬆️ In Raahe / En Raahe

⬆️ Road construction with help from the EU / Straßenbau mit Hilfe der EU / Construction de routes avec l'aide de l'UE

⬆️ For the waste bins / Für die Mülltonnen / Pour les poubelles

⬆️ Old wooden bridge / Alte Holzbrücke / Vieux pont en bois

⬆️ River with whitewater / Fluss mit Wildwasser / Rivière avec eaux vives

⬆️ Lost house / Verlorenes Haus / Maison perdue

⬆️ Good house at the countryside / Gutes Haus auf dem Lande / Bonne maison à la campagne

⬆️ Normal houses in Kokkola / Normale Häuser in Kokkola / Maisons normales à Kokkola

⬆️ Coffee and cake at the camping at coffee time / Kaffee und Kuchen auf dem Campingplatz zur Kaffeezeit / Café et gâteau au camping à l'heure du café

⬆️ A long truck again / Wieder ein langer Lkw / Encore un long camion



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