Price from € 12,933.00 (VAT included)
Price displayed with included VAT. The VAT percentage or sales tax depends on geographical location of the buyer.
Price from € 12,933.00 (VAT included)
Price displayed with included VAT. The VAT percentage or sales tax depends on geographical location of the buyer.
Worldwide dealers
Free consult
More than 30 years of experience in building velomobiles
Own production carbon fiber parts
L: 266 cm | H: 93.5 cm | W: 80 cm
~26 kg (depending on chosen options, chosen color)
Carbon fiber with Epoxy
Rider’s height*:
~185 cm to ~205 cm
Max rider weight:
120 kg
Racing & Record rides
Group rides
Brevets riding
*Maximum rider’s height is indicative, depends on many aspects. Please ask your dealer or consultant for more information.
The A9 was designed to accommodate tall people up to ~2.10m without compromising on crank length. Due to the different proportions of people, even if they are the same size, this has not been achieved to the full extent. Daniel has now reworked the A9 to offer a velomobile without compromise to people up to ~2.10m. The A9.2 has been created.
The basis for the A9.2 is not the A9 but the M9. The M9 is a further development of the A9. Made for people up to about 1.88m with a more harmoniously modelled “face” and improved forward visibility. Due to the redesign of the A9 chassis, the knee room of the M9 has been reduced by about 3.5cm, but still offers more than enough space. By moving the entrance to the front, performance on streets and wind stability have also been improved. In detail, the M9 chassis is 2.5cm less high. In the shape of a wedge, 7.5cm (tapering to zero at the rear) have been cut out of the A9 chassis. The entrance has been moved forward by 2cm.
The changes to the A9.2 and adjustments to the chassis are now as follows. As already mentioned, the basis for the A9.2 is not the A9 but the M9. The chassis has now been raised by 4 cm. As a result, the front light is also 4 cm higher. The entire front area is 6 cm longer. By shifting the entrance area 5cm to the rear, the new A9.2 offers an incredible amount of space for very tall riders. Another benefit of this measure is that the arm position is much more comfortable when tank steering and there is more pressure on the rear wheel. The hood area has also been slightly revised for a harmonious design. Last but not least, the maintenance cover has been lowered by 2 cm to make maintenance work more comfortable. All these adjustments now create uncompromising space for riders up to ~2.10m with a free choice of crank length.
Due to its “mighty” appearance, the A9.2 is highly visible in road traffic, but hardly affects the aerodynamics. Especially with the new bonnet it is a real pleasure. A fogged-up windscreen is a thing of the past. Even at low speeds, no fogging is to be expected. That is currently unique.
Furthermore, the 9 class remains the reference in terms of wind stability and performance on streets. Light, stiff in the drivetrain as well as in the chassis – Daniel’s maxim!
Soon Daniel will introduce a Canopy with double side glazing, which will make the 9 Class even faster. Also available with Tiller steering, but Daniel is clearly in favour of tank steering. A clear recommendation from him as the handling is excellent, especially with armrests. In addition, the Steering Levers are very flexible at the sides so that they do not pose a danger in a crash.
See what people are saying about this velomobile model
(English – translated from German version)
The Alpha 9.2, serial number 08, has been with me since August 2023. So far I haven’t driven that much, only about 2000 km mainly when commuting to work. I bought it as a replacement for my previous DFXL, which was badly damaged in a car accident.
The Alpha 9 offers me one big advantage over the DFXL: SPACE!
I’m about 195 cm tall with big feet. The Alpha offers enough space everywhere.
I don’t bump into anything.
The seat seemed more uncomfortable to me at first than the one in the DF, but after a very short period of getting used to it, the ergonomic seat in the Alpha fits perfectly. The tank steering in the Alpha is very intuitive and can be operated with very little force. Your fingertips are enough. This is also because the straight-line stability is very stable even in crosswinds, gusts or oncoming trucks. You practically don’t notice the wind! Even one-sided braking doesn’t throw the Alpha off track. But you should have the side armrests mounted for this, otherwise you can easily get cramped when holding the handlebars.
Another plus point with the Alpha is the easy access to the front luggage compartments. The lid, which is held in place with a magnetic strip, allows you to quickly access the two compartments to the right and left of the feet. I usually transport tools, spare tires and tubes there and there is still space.
A small drawback is the rear luggage area to the left of the wheel arch: Since the floor is very smooth, luggage tends to slide forward there and then rests on the left shoulder. I still have to think about something or copy ChristianW’s solution from the velomobile forum.
For the drivetrain, I opted for the 2×1 gear system. Since I live in the Bergisches Land and am not the strongest rider, I like to have a few gears in reserve on hills. So far, I have managed to get up every incline with it. Even though I don’t yet have the stiffer, larger pulleys in the drivetrain due to the early build number, the drivetrain is very efficient.
The hood for the Alpha is standard. There is also a windshield wiper included. This and the significantly improved ventilation make driving with the hood pretty easy, even in bad weather. As long as you are moving, the visor stays fog-free. Since I often drive relatively slowly and uphill here in the Bergisches Land, I also installed an anti-fog film. This has kept it clear even when I use it.
I have not yet driven long distances with the Alpha. The first one is next weekend. But I am sure that the limit will not be determined by the Alpha, but by my fitness. (Oliver Wiebensohn)
Seit August 2023 ist das Alpha 9.2 Baunummer 08 bei mir eingezogen. Bis jetzt habe ich noch nicht so viel gefahren, nur etwa 2000 km hauptsächlich beim Pendeln zur Arbeit. Ich habe es als Ersatz für mein vorheriges DFXL, das durch einen Autounfall stark beschädigt wurde, gekauft.
Das Alpha 9 bietet für mich gegenüber dem DFXL einen grossen Vorteil: PLATZ!
Ich bin etwa 195 cm gross mit grossen Füssen. Dafür bietet das Alpha überall ausreichend Platz.
Nirgends stosse ich an.
Der Sitz erschien mir anfangs unbequemer als der im DF, aber nach sehr kurzer Umgewöhnung passt der Ergo-Sitz im Alpha perfekt. Die Panzer-Lenkung im Alpha ist sehr intuitiv und mit sehr kleinen Kräften zu bedienen. Es reichen die Fingerspitzen. Das liegt auch daran, dass der Geradeauslauf auch bei Seitenwind, Böen oder entgegenkommenden LKWs sehr stabil ist. Wind merkt man praktisch nicht! Auch einseitiges Bremsen bringt das Alpha nicht aus der Spur. Dazu sollte man aber die seitlichen Armstützen montiert haben, sonst verkrampft man leicht beim Halten der Lenkgriffe.
Ein weiteres Plus beim Alpha ist der leichte Zugang zu den vorderen Gepäckfächern. Durch den per Magnetstreifen gehaltenen Deckel kommt man schnell an die beiden Fächer rechts und links der Füsse. Dort transportiere ich normalerweise Werkzeug, Ersatzreifen und -Schläuche und es ist immer noch Platz.
Ein kleines Manko ist der hintere Gepäckbereich links vom Radkasten: Da der Boden sehr glatt ist, rutsch Gepäck dort gerne nach vorne und liegt dann an der linken Schulter an. Da muss ich mir noch etwas überlegen oder die Lösung von ChristianW aus dem Velomobilforum kopieren.
Beim Antrieb habe ich mich für die Schaltung mit 2×1 Gängen entschieden. Da ich im Bergischen Land wohne und nicht der stärkste Fahrer bin, habe ich gerne ein paar Gänge am Berg in Reserve. Bisher bin ich damit jede Steigung hochgekommen. Auch wenn ich durch die frühe Baunummer noch nicht die noch steiferen, grösseren Umlenkrollen im Antrieb habe, ist der Antrieb sehr effizient.
Die Haube für das Alpha ist serienmässig. Ausserdem ist ein Scheibenwischer mit dabei. Das und die deutlich verbesserte Lüftung machen das Fahren mit Haube auch bei schlechtem Wetter ziemlich problemlos. Solange man in Bewegung ist, bleibt das Visier beschlagfrei. Da ich hier im Bergischen oft relativ langsam und bergauf fahre, habe ich mir zusätzlich eine Anti-Beschlagfolie installiert. Damit bleibt es auch bei meiner Nutzung bisher frei.
Lange Strecken habe ich mit dem Alpha noch nicht gefahren. Die erste liegt am nächsten Wochenende an. Ich bin aber sicher, die Grenze wird nicht das Alpha bestimmen, sondern meine Kondition.
(English – translation from German version)
At 197 cm, I struggled and compromised on the DFXL, but the A9 offers even taller riders uncompromising space and performance.
Larger cranks are possible, so there is plenty of room even for very broad shoulders.
The armored steering offers a relaxed riding position and precise steering. Cornering behavior and drive stiffness are at top level.
The directional stability is incredibly good – even in strong and gusty winds.
Despite the closed wheel arches, maintenance is almost as easy as with open wheel arches thanks to the quick-release axles and removal of the wheels.
Due to the size of the wheel arches, the possible turning circle of just over 11 m is almost at DF level without pants.
Especially on long tours with provisions and (tent) luggage, the storage space next to and behind the seat as well as the two optional side compartments, which can be accessed through the service cover at the front, offer an enormous amount of space and good weight distribution.
The elastomer suspension can be easily and quickly adjusted from comfortable to sporty and hard, from low to high ground clearance.
In short: the A9 is the flagship of the 9 series, the GoTo model for 2 m – people for everyday life, travel, brevets and racing.
(German version)
Mit 197 cm war ich im DF-XL mit Mühe und Kompromissen unterwegs, das A9 bietet hier sogar noch größeren Fahrern kompromisslosen Platz und Performance.
Es sind sowohl größere Kurbeln möglich, also auch für sehr breite Schultern angenehm viel Platz.
Die Panzerlenkung bietet eine entspannte Sitzhaltung und präzise Steuerung. Kurvenverhalten und Antriebssteifigkeit sind auf Spitzen-Niveau.
Der Geradeauslauf ist – selbst bei starkem und böigem Wind – unglaublich gut.
Trotz geschlossener Radkästen ist die Wartung durch Steckachsen und Ausbau der Räder nahezu gleich einfach wie bei offenen Radkästen.
Durch die Größe der Radkästen liegt der mögliche Wendekreis mit etwas über 11 m fast auf DF-Niveau ohne Hosen.
Gerade auf langen Touren mit Proviant und (Zelt-)Gepäck bietet der Stauraum neben und hinter dem Sitz sowie die beiden optionalen und durch den Servicedeckel vorne erreichbaren Seitenfächer enorm viel Raum und eine gute Gewichtsverteilung.
Das Elastomer-Fahrwerk lässt sich leicht und schnell von bequem bis sportlich hart, von tief bis viel Bodenfreiheit individuell abstimmen.
Kurz: Das A9 ist das Flaggschiff der 9er Reihe, das GoTo-Modell für 2 m – Leute für Alltag, Reise, Brevets und Rennen.
The optimal method for ordering a velomobile begins with reaching out to a consultant. This expert collaborates with you to discover the most suitable velomobile model for your specific needs, taking into account factors such as intended usage, terrain and personal preferences. Additionally, the consultant provides invaluable guidance in connecting you with the appropriate dealer. Furthermore, the consultants offer assistance in configuring your velomobile to ensure it aligns perfectly with your requirements, such as selecting features, accessories and customization options. This personalized approach not only guarantees that you make an informed decision, but also facilitates a seamless ordering process. By leveraging the expertise of a consultant, you receive tailored support from start to finish, resulting in the acquisition of a velomobile perfectly tailored to enhance your cycling experience.
Of course if you know your needs and the configurations for your desired velomobile model, you can always go to our Store at and start our friendly configurator, that will guide you through the necessary steps, so you can finish your velomobile order very quick.
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