Heading to the Midnight Sun. A Velomobile Trip with Brigitte and Fritz.
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Day 48 | Kokkola - Vaasa | 141 KM | 530 HM
We decided to take a side route via Jakobstad. This way we got to see water from time to time, as it went over a few peninsulas and islands.
Before the town we passed a larger, modern factory for "stainless tubes". In the centre of town there were some older buildings.
In this part of Finland, almost everything on the coast is in Swedish and Finnish. The bookshop has solved this nicely. Finnish on one side and Swedish on the other. Second breakfast at a really good bakery with more than three kinds of cakes. Then we made a short detour to the harbour.
We discovered this on the big E8. At first I thought Biggi was talking to me when we stopped. But she wasn't. Instead, a woman was talking to a man in Swedish. But there was no one to be seen. The voices were coming from a small loudspeaker below the traffic sign.
Our guess in connection with motion detectors is that, for example, the radio or the recording goes off when moose are present, so that the animals turn back. Once they are on the big E8, they have a problem. This is bordered by high fences at this point. Later we talked to Olof about it. It was also new to him. Then he found out that it was an experiment. Just as we suspected.
Olof came towards us from Vaasa about 20 km with his Mulsanne. Of course he knew a shortcut - over a gravel road. How could it be otherwise.
We bought some food and then rode with him to his house. He is the only velonaut in Vaasa. So we had a lot to talk about.
Baltic Sea (Larsmo) / Ostsee (Larsmo) / Mer Baltique (Larsmo)
Modern factory / Moderne Fabrik / Usine moderne
Bookshop / Buchhandlung / Librairie
Old harbour of Jakobstad / Alter Hafen von Jakobstad / Vieux port de Jakobstad
Hay made / Heu gemacht / Foin fait
Brandstation - Paloasema
What is that? / Was ist das? / Qu'est-ce que c'est ?
Radio on street / Radio auf der Straße / Radio dans la rue
We met Olof / Wir trafen Olof / Nous avons rencontré Olof
Gravel road / Schotterstraße / Route de gravier
Around Vaasa / Rund um Vaasa / Autour de Vaasa
With Olof and his Mulsanne / Mit Olof und seinem Mulsanne / Avec Olof et sa Mulsanne
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