
Heading to the Midnight Sun (Day 50)

Heading to the Midnight Sun. A Velomobile Trip with Brigitte and Fritz.

Germany > Denmark > Norway > North Cape (Nordkapp) > Finland > Germany


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Day 50 | Nummijärvi - Sastamala | 141 KM | 403 HM


The weather was so nice and without wind that the grass and the tent were really wet from the dew in the morning. But with a thick time cushion, it didn't matter. So we only rolled off the site at 10:00 am.


The original route soon turned out to be a Finnish wilderness road. Would it continue like this for another 10 km to the main road? We preferred to try the alternative road to the south with the four numbers.


After a few kilometres it was just as much fun. All back again - 25 km to the north, only to drive 25 km south again? That's also nonsense.


So drive carefully on the track. It can't be more than 10 km, because then there's another two-digit road. Yes it became almost 10 km. Very brutal. If you love your velomobile, don't shoot over it. It was already banging from the stones. At some point we were through. We checked the coats right away. On mine, both coats had deeper cuts in the fabric at the front. I had already seen a small one yesterday and put it on watch. It was now wider.


We stopped for lunch in the next village, Karvia. No sooner had we started eating than loud motorists came again. To do the same to us. Several of them left their engines running. When a truck parked next to us kept running, it was too much for us and we left.


There was granite in the landscape today. I had wondered how they were going to do it with the final repository in which granite layer with all that sand. Finland is the first country with a repository.


We got a shower today. After Kakaanpää we drove to a campsite. It was in the forest and had a swimming pool. That didn't sound bad. Then they wanted 39 € at the reception. That included a visit to the swimming pool and sauna. And if you didn't want that? I complained and said it was the most expensive place we'd ever had. Then they showed us the place. It was so unattractive that we said goodbye and wanted our money back. They did that without hesitation and asked why. But we had to drive another 60 km to get there. As we drove off, I secretly wondered if that was the right thing to do. However, it was quite easy to drive and the next place turned out to be much better.


On the way, another rain shower threatened to get us. But somehow we always rode along the edge and got nothing except for a few drops.


At the hut we changed both front tyres. The tread was down and the fabric was visible in parts. The Cont Contact Urban ran well on the trip and a few thousand before that. They were also with us around Easter in France on bad roads. That means well over 9000 km in total. Maybe over 10,000 km. I didn't write it down. These are my absolute favourites at the moment for very good, medium-fast everyday tyres. No punctures, good rain grip and many kilometres. With 32 mm also good comfort around 5-6 bar with the 50 kg luggage alpha. But now the CCS are still being fitted.


All's well that ends well.


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⬆️ Morning at the lake / Morgen am See / Matinée au lac

⬆️ This is how they make wood / So machen sie Holz / C'est ainsi que l'on fabrique du bois

⬆️ In old houses like this living people / In alten Häusern wie diesem leben Menschen / Dans les vieilles maisons comme celle-ci, des personnes vivantes

⬆️ Wilderness road / Straße in der Wildnis / Route de la nature sauvage

⬆️ Garden tee house? / Garten-Tee-Haus? / Maison en teck de jardin ?

⬆️ Karvia

⬆️ Young boys / Junge Burschen / Jeunes garçons

⬆️ Gun before this business building / Waffe vor diesem Geschäftsgebäude / Gun avant ce bâtiment d'entreprise

⬆️ Granit rocks / Granitfelsen / Roches de granit

⬆️ Dark clouds. Rain? / Dunkle Wolken. Regen? / Nuages sombres. Pluie ?

⬆️ Old tires / Alte Reifen / Vieux pneus

⬆️ Hut at the lake / Hütte am See / Cabane au bord du lac



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