Heading to the Midnight Sun. A Velomobile Trip with Brigitte and Fritz.
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Day 34 | Andenes - Sommarøya | 141 KM | 973 HM
After the early drive, we had a bit of a cruise. From a distance, the next island, Senja, could be seen as a rather massive, rising boulder. That's how it was to cruise on the island most of the time.
After 90 minutes, we arrived in the tiny harbour of Gryllefjord on Senja. It was a bit like in some movies. People have gathered for a newly arriving ship. They sit together at a table with something to drink in the sun and watch what is coming ashore.
Past a long queue of cars and camper vans, some of which will surely not make it onto the small ferry.
And then plunge into the blue and green of the fjord. Since the ferry doesn't spit out that many vehicles, we drove pretty much undisturbed most of the time.
The roads were full of bends and short, steep climbs and descents right from the start, plus a few bridges and several tunnels.
Some of them also had ascents or descents plus often with surprising potholes or quasi gravel. The icing on the cake was that some of them were badly lit and some not lit at all. But the stretches along the fjords were very beautiful.
Then came the longest climb with 300 metres of altitude and an average of 8%. Because of the swarm of stinging, bloodthirsty insects that had quickly gathered around the red alpha, I didn't want to allow myself a break. A little breather at the top, then into the tunnel. It was still good.
On the descent to the next fjord, an amazing panorama. A young girl there, herself cycling to the cape, thought the velomobiles were soooo cool.
An old petrol station along the way.
The next tunnel was more impressive, but still ok with single road sections and passing places. Down to the beach of Ersfjord and the "Golden Toilet". There's only one toilet in there. No joke.
Then came a more challenging tunnel. First it had romantic emergency lighting made of thick globes and then nothing at all. Quite a blast.
A few finds. Sometimes the road is closed here.
Barbecue at the car park.
A beautiful VW T2.
That's how it is in narrow tunnels with traffic.
Then the road got pretty bad.
One more climb and we wanted to make the ferry at 16:00.
I think the tunnel had the highest category measured in bad condition.
The end of our tour on Senja is approaching and soon we will have reached the ferry. But now quickly. When the ferry arrives, we reach the pier. On the ferry we finally have something to eat after the lunch break. Apple and blueberry pie with cream and coffee. I ask because they looked homemade. No bought.
Yes cruising again.
On arrival in Brennholmen on Kvaløya, unthread everyone again. Super tight parking. This is what heroes look like.
The other double sign of the north.
Now over to Sommarøya. A single-lane bridge with traffic lights. A very pretty little island. Especially the beaches.
Andenes Harbor / Hafen von Andenes / Port d'Andenes
Arrival / Ankunft / Arrivée
They are waiting / Sie warten / Ils attendent
End of tunnel / Das Ende des Tunnels / Fin du tunnel
On the top / Oben / En haut
First bad tunnel / Erster schlechter Tunnel / Premier mauvais tunnel
Old Gas station / Alte Tankstelle / Ancienne station-service
Second tunnel sometimes very narrow / Zweiter Tunnel manchmal sehr eng / Deuxième tunnel parfois très étroit
Ersfjord beach / Ersfjord Strand / Plage d'Ersfjord
Golden Toilette of Ersfjord / Goldene Toilette von Ersfjord / Toilettes dorées d'Ersfjord
With some romantic lights / Mit ein paar romantischen Lichtern / Avec des lumières romantiques
Without light inside / Ohne Licht im Inneren / Sans lumière à l'intérieur
Tunnel with traffic / Tunnel mit Verkehr / Tunnel avec trafic
Bad gravel street / Schlechte Schotterstraße / Mauvaise rue en gravier
No lights / Keine Lichter / Pas de lumière
Second bigger hill on the top / Zweiter größerer Hügel auf dem Gipfel / Deuxième colline plus importante au sommet
In hurry / In Eile / Dans l'urgence
Cake and coffee / Kuchen und Kaffee / Gâteau et café
Next / Weiter / Suivant
Narrow tricky parking / Enges, schwieriges Parken / Parking étroit et difficile
Hero goes out / Held geht aus / Le héros s'éteint
Double sign / Doppeltes Zeichen / Double signe
Bridge to Sommarøya / Brücke nach Sommarøya / Pont vers Sommarøya
Nice beaches here / Schöne Strände hier / De belles plages ici
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