Heading to the Midnight Sun. A Velomobile Trip with Brigitte and Fritz.
Germany > Denmark > Norway > North Cape (Nordkapp) > Finland > Germany
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Day 35 | Sommarøya - Svensby | 121 KM | 912 HM
Best weather at the start. Pure postcard, the water is blue and turquoise, yellow and white beaches.
A bit of botany. Like a carpet - mosses, blueberries, cranberries and crowberries, 5-10 cm high.
Another tunnel on the way to enlightenment.
The road was already bad in places. Sometimes there are damn deep bumps in the shade. Or just when you're looking for something else, you drive into one.
Well-made rubbish bin letterboxes. Not only Finns know long words.
A bit of Troll country from Kvaløya. Only the reindeer were missing.
The large hogweed as an invasive species has become absolutely established here in places. In our country it has to be reported to prevent it from spreading.
The "greater area" of Tromsø. The city has 64000 inhabitants. The skyline looks like more.
Polar centre. Very cool the original ship Polarstern in a big glass house. The mast looks out from the top. Built in 1949, it is the oldest surviving seal trawler. 33 hunting seasons in operation and used - hold on - over 97,000 sails. Sailing in the Arctic Ocean must have been pretty stormy and tough.
Through the old town to the big bridge and to the other side to the Ice Cathedral. Not a single car driver honked as we crawled up there at a snail's pace of 7-10 km/h. And there was quite a bit of traffic. And there was a lot of traffic. We had missed the cycle path. And it would have been too narrow. After the cathedral, we continued east on the E10.
At some point we could turn left onto a smaller road. First a bit uphill. Tom from Belgium/Ghent came towards us. He was completely out of his mind. Finally some like-minded people. He was so happy. And he felt the same as we did with the discussions about the benefits of a recumbent.
He has a Quest made of GRP. Here he is on the road with a Nasca Gaucho. 30 days on the road from home through Sweden to the Cape and now on the way back. He says he does between 200-250 km a day. He regretted that he did not fit into the Alpha. I was sure it would fit, despite the broad shoulders. Tried it out straight away. Now he dreams of an Alpha.
A bit more from the last section to today's ferry. Fantastically quiet. Similar to the morning around the construction site. The mountains look like in the Alps or Canada.
The elderly gentleman on the ferry was so taken with the velomobiles. Then he was surprised when I took off my clothes from the ferry ride and only had a T-shirt and thin shorts on. He said it was very cold and windy now. Me, it's warm inside and sheltered from the wind. He thought that was great and was thrilled.
Start at 09:00 / Beginn um 09:00 / Début à 09h00
Tunnel to enlighten / Tunnel zur Erleuchtung / Tunnel pour éclairer
Bad street / Schlechte Straße / Mauvaise rue
Rubbish and letter house / Müll- und Briefhaus / Maison des ordures et des lettres
Mini houses / Mini-Häuser / Mini-maisons
Mini scene / Mini-Szene / Mini scène
Troll Country of Kvaløya / Trollland Kvaløya / Pays des trolls de Kvaløya
Fjord of Tromsø / Der Fjord von Tromsø / Fjord de Tromsø
Noon at Tromsø / Mittagszeit in Tromsø / Midi à Tromsø
Large hogweed / Riesenbärenklau / Grande berce
Museum of the Polarstern / Museum der Polarstern / Musée du Polarstern
Seal trawler / Seehundtrawler / Chalutier à phoque
Old city Tromsø / Alte Stadt Tromsø / Vieille ville de Tromsø
Church Tromsø / Kirche Tromsø / Église Tromsø
Full packed / Voll verpackt / Pleinement emballé
Great Bridge Tromsø / Große Brücke Tromsø / Grand pont de Tromsø
Ice cathedral / Eis-Kathedrale / Cathédrale de glace
Tom from Belgium / Tom aus Belgien / Tom de Belgique
View on the Lyngen Alps / Blick auf die Lyngen-Alpen / Vue sur les Alpes de Lyngen
Elder man / Älterer Mann / Homme âgé
Older salon / Älterer Salon / Salon plus ancien
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