
Heading to the Midnight Sun (Day 38)

Heading to the Midnight Sun. A Velomobile Trip with Brigitte and Fritz.

Germany > Denmark > Norway > North Cape (Nordkapp) > Finland > Germany


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Day 38 | Transfarelv - Repvåg | 145 KM | 1189 HM


The morning was very cool. Long trousers pulled over the cycling clothes, fibre fur and rain jacket. So it was bearable to pack everything. That says it all. Then we said goodbye to Tim and set off.


Pretty soon the ascent to the Fjell began. Almost 400 metres of altitude. After the first 100 metres of ascent I decided to replace my long running trousers with knee-length trousers. It was too warm.


There were masses of yarrow and bluebells along the way.


At some point we reached the top. Low clouds hung around us. Somehow it wasn't all that inviting and exhilarating.


But this plateau with a few waves and surrounded by mountains, which all disappeared in the fog or clouds, was very interesting. To the right and left of the road was mostly moorland and some grass, with lakes and birch groves in between. Maybe half of the trees were dead without leaves. Eaten away by the reindeer? Now and then a few houses, probably Sami dwellings. Small house, shed and outhouse. And sometimes dogs. The road went on seemingly endlessly to the horizon.


After lunch in Skaidi, a place in the middle of nowhere, we climbed up again.


For quite a while we drove parallel to a river where we saw the first reindeer. Always further away and well camouflaged.


Driving through the wall of fog, there was quite a bit of drizzle.


The tundra in cloudy weather really increases the value of a velomobile. Compared to the upright cyclist, we are very comfortable. Behind Olfjord, more reindeer appeared at some point, and especially closer. I think reindeer put us with the cars. They didn't really let themselves be disturbed. I particularly like the white ones. One had antlers in addition to the usual ones in the middle of its forehead. Then all of a sudden one went along on the left side. It was so well camouflaged in silver-grey that we both didn't even see it until we were about 5 metres away.


The coast was now wild and uncomfortable. Wind force 4-6 depending on location, I would guess.


Then came a really great tunnel. Super bike path on the left, separated, great lighting and absolutely smooth asphalt. Although it went up at 2-4%, it was very easy to ride.


The rocky coast became more and more interesting. Rocks layered on top of each other like plates and furrowed by erosion with transverse grooves.


Then all of a sudden Mauro came towards us together with David. A short chat and on we went. He had to hurry to reach the shop in Olfjord before closing time. There I had comfortably eaten a waffle spread with Norwegian cream and blueberry jam from the tube with a coffee.


We caught up with a cyclist in front of us on the climb. He was struggling with the headwind and some crosswinds.


Biggi had already arranged our hut at noon. Thank God. It was the last one. Very manageable, but wonderful in this weather. It was still raining outside. But the showers are hot. I got my bum on the tap and almost burnt myself.


It's so cosy in here that I wanted to close my eyes while choosing pictures. A little chocolate cake and some whisky and everything is fine.


Discover the velomobiles


⬆️ Tim

⬆️ Tim's bike / Tims Fahrrad / Vélo de Tim

⬆️ Endless streets / Endlose Straßen / Des rues sans fin

⬆️ Christmas tree / Weihnachtsbaum / Arbre de Noël

⬆️ River beside the street / Fluss neben der Straße / Rivière au bord de la rue

⬆️ Lunch break / Mittagspause / Pause déjeuner

⬆️ Massive fog / Massiver Nebel / Brouillard massif

⬆️ Reindeer / Rentier / Renne

⬆️ Rough coast / Raue Küste / Côte sauvage

⬆️ Best tunnel ever / Der beste Tunnel aller Zeiten / Le meilleur tunnel du monde

⬆️ Rocks and erosions / Felsen und Erosionen / Roches et érosions

⬆️ Little cabin / Kleine Hütte / Petite cabane



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